My Humans

Persian Extraordinaire


More Cute, Less Fuzz

Mr. Waffles the Cat

About Mr. Waffles

Welcome, Persian fanciers, fellow kittens and even friendly canines (I’m not entirely convinced you exist, but I’m an open-minded fellow). I’m Mr. Waffles, an adorable kitten who loves to play with strings, be held all the time, and eat anything and everything in sight.


I’m about 3 pounds of pure(bred) love. Neither my meow nor my bite is bad and, if you scratch me behind the ears, I’ll consider adding you to my inner circle of humans.

Lost & Found

If my humans manage to stray from me, please give them a call. I can’t leave them to their own devices for long!

Training and caring for my humans is an arduous but rewarding process.

I watch over lots of humans . The big ones think they’re in charge, but it’s the little ones that get my cuteness going.